I've played and I play a lot of roles in my career. Web developer at the very first years, then project manager, product owner, consultant, team builder, speaker in few conferences. I'm happy when I can help people to achieve their goals, to complete their projects, to build their startup. Now I'm a service designer. I founded RedTurtle in 1999 and recently Giallocobalto.

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Full conference pass

Full access to trainings, conference & party

Access to 2 day trainings

Access to 3 days conference

All coffee breaks

3 Lunches (Italian specialties!)

Join the night party

Join the community sprints


+ Fee & VAT

1-day conference pass

Access to one day of the conference

1 Day of conference

3 Parallel tracks

2 Coffee breaks

1 Lunch (Italian specialties!)


+ Fee & VAT

(+1) Party

Get an additional entrance to the Plone Party!

Bring a friend/partner at the party and share the medieval and renaissance atmosphere that surrounds the Este Castle.


+ Fee & VAT