One week conference, Three different venues

Plone Conference 2019 will take place from 21-27 October
in the ❤ of the city centre

Trainings (21-22 Oct) - RedTurtle headquarters

UPDATE 16/10/2019: We moved some trainings to the Wunderkammer venue (the sprints venue, see below) in order to accomodate more people. Check the trainings page for more details.

RedTurtle is pleased to host the training sessions in its headquarters.
The location is close the city center and the Apollo theatre (conference venue).

The four courses’ tracks will be held in Dev’s den, Relax room, 10 absents room and Pistachio room.
Between writing a line of code and making an api call, you could admire our Lego sets collection, play with some Nerf guns, make a Guitar Hero battle or take a table football match: the perfect place for a group of nerd developers.

Via Nino Bixio, 4 - 44124 Ferrara

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Conference (23-25 Oct) - Apollo Cinepark

The Apollo Theater is a cinema with 98 years of history. Established in 1921, it was the one and only place where people in Ferrara could admire Lumiere brothers’ invention.

In almost a century this venue hosted all the major blockbusters and has been renewed several times. The last renovation in 2000 turned it into a modern multiplex cinema.

The venue is located in the city center very close to the Castle and the main Cathedral.

Apollo Cinepark
Via Carbone 35 - 44124 Ferrara

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Party (25 Oct) - Este Castle pier

On 25th October, on the night of the last conference day, the conference party will sparkle as usual.
It will take place inside the Este Castle in the evocative imbarcadero’s room.

We won’t spoil anything more, but we’ll tell you that we would let you breathe  the medieval and renaissance atmosphere that surrounds this location.

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Sprints (26 - 27 Oct) - Wunderkammer

Wunderkammer is a renovated warehouse close to the Po di Volano river. It’s a point of interest in the city where social innovation workshops and cultural meetings happen.

It’s the best place where the next Plone release can be born.

Consorzio Wunderkammer
Palazzo Savonuzzi, via Darsena, 57 - 44122 Ferrara
Visit website

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Travel guide

We created a portable guide (well, it's a simple PDF) with basic info for your journey in Ferrara, get it here.